Selasa, 17 November 2020

5 Festival Budaya di Indonesia

1. Festival Lembah Baliem

Sumber :

Sumber :

Festival yang digelar setiap tahunnya di Wamena, Jayawijaya, Papua ini melambangkan perang yang terjadi antara suku Dani, suku Lani, dan suku Yali. Pertunjukkan yang sudah berjalan turun-temurun ini dilakukan untuk menunjukkan kekuatan antar-suku.

Dengan menyaksikan Festival Lembah Baliem, kamu bisa mendapatkan kesempatan langka untuk belajar dan bersentuhan langsung dengan berbagai kebudayaan yang ada di suku-suku pedalaman Papua. Festival ini juga terkenal sebagai surganya para fotografer karena budaya yang dipertontonkan masih sangat kental dan tradisional.

2. Festival Tenganan

Sumber :

Festival yang terkenal di Desa Tenganan, Bali Timur ini memiliki ciri khas dibanding dengan festival lainnya. Ciri khas tersebut adalah daun pandan yang menjadi benda utama dalam peperangan. Tradisi kuno ini hanya dimiliki oleh desa Bali tua yang masih dilakukan olehn Kabupaten Karangsen, Bali. Festival ini juga disebut dengan mekare-kare dan juga megeret pandan oleh penduduk local.

Pada festival ini, terjadi peperangan antara semua penduduk desa laki-laki yang memakai perisai dari rotan kecil dan juga seikat dedaunan pandan berduri. Ritual ini sesungguhnya ditunjukkan untuk para dewa perang dan langit umat hindu dan juga Indra.

Pada tahun ini festival tersebut diadakan dari tanggal 22-25 Juni 2019. Anda tidak perlu merasa khawatir karena dalam peperangan ini, siapapun yang berperang tidak akan merasakan sakit dan lukanya hanya diobati dengan ramuan tradisional yang berupa campuran kunyit serta cuka.

Dalam festival tersebut juga para penduduk memakai kain warisan berharga Geringsing atau double ikat. Rumah-rumah sekitar pun ikut dihiasi dengan berbagai ornament dan ada yang paling menarik perhatian yaitu sebuah ayunan besar yang akan dinaiki oleh 8 anak perempuan.

Festival ini akan menjadi lebih spesial karena diadakan selama Usaba Sambah, yakni Upacara Pura di Desa Tenganan Pegingsingan. Daerah ini terkenal sebagai salah satu desa kuno di Bali dan punya keunikan serta kebiasaan Bali Mula (Pra Hindu). Tentu saja ini artinya akan berbeda dari wilayah lain di Pulau Dewata.

3. Grebeg Maulud Yogyakarta

Sumber :

Grebeg Maulud diselenggarakan untuk memperingati hari kelahiran Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW yang jatuh tepat pada tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal. Di Festival ini, Wovger akan melihat gunungan yang diarak di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Gunungan tersebut berisi berbagai macam sayuran dan hasil bumi lainnya. Hal ini dimaksudkan sebagai satu perlambang kemakmuran dan kekayaan tanah mataram.

Sebelum perayaan Grebeg Maulud, biasanya didahului dengan adanya Sekaten, yaitu pasar rakyat di alun-alun utara Yogyakarta. Selain Grebeg Maulud, ada juga Grebeg Syawal, dan Grebeg Besar. Yang membedakan hanyalah waktu perlaksanaannya saja. Kalau Grebeg Syawal dilakukan setelah bulan Ramadhan, dan Grebeg Besar dilakukan setelah idul adha.

4. Festival Budaya Isen Mulang

Sumber :

Setiap tahun, festival budaya ini digelar di ibukota provinsi Kalimantan Tengah, Palangkaraya. Festival Budaya Isen Mulang (FBIM) merupakan agenda tahunan Dinas Pariwisata Kalimantan Tengah untuk memeriahkan hari jadi Kalimantan Tengah pada bulan Mei.

Isen Mulang yang bermakna Pantang Mundur adalah semboyan dari Kalimantan Tengah. Festival ini juga disemarakkan dengan berbagai keanekaragaman budaya yang ada di Kalimantan Tengah saat ini. Seperti diadakannya karnaval, lomba permainan tradisional, dan pameran produk kesenian dan kerajinan lokal. Calon wisatawan mesti jauh-jauh merencanakan berkunjung ke Kalimantan Tengah untuk melihat dari dekat festival yang biasanya diadakan pada bulan Mei setiap tahun.

5. Festival Siti Nurbaya

Sumber :

Festival Siti Nurbaya merupakan Festival Padang dengan kegiatan budaya yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah Kota Padang sebagai salah satu sarana memperkenalkan budaya Minang kepada wisatawan baik lokal maupun mancanegara.

Rangkaian kegiatan “Festival Siti Nurbaya” dimulai dengan lomba lagu Minang yang dilaksanakan di Pantai Cimpago. Sejumlah lomba tradisi yang tidak kalah seru akan turut memeriahkan helat ini. Sebanyak 1.000 perempuan akan mengenakan baju kuruang basiba, pakaian keseharian khas Sumatera Barat. Biasanya mereka akan berparade di Pantai Padang dalam rangkaian kegiatan Festival Siti Nurbaya. Sebelumnya, asisten III Sekretariat Kota Padang Corry Saidan mengatakan penampilan 1.000 baju kuruang basiba itu, sekaligus menciptakan rekor Museum Rekor Indonesia (MURI).

Rabu, 11 November 2020

Omnibus Law

 A number of workers rallied in front of the Parliament complex, Jakarta. In their action they rejected the Omibus Law on the Job Creation Bill (RUU) because it was considered more beneficial to employers, and threatened to go on a national strike on 6-8 October 2020 or when the DPR plenary session discussed the Job Creation Bill. Previously, even though there were protests from labor unions in the country, the government and the DPR did not budge and continued efforts to ratify the bill included in the omnibus law package.

"Then what is the Omnibus Law which has become a controversy and is rejected by the workers?"

In terminology, Omnibus comes from Latin which means for everything. In a legal context, Omnibus Law is a law that can cover all or one law that regulates many things. In other words, Omnibus Law is a method or concept of making regulations that combines several rules with different regulatory substances into one rule under one legal umbrella.

The Job Creation Bill is only one part of the Omnibus Law. In the Omnibus Law, there are three bills that are ready to be promulgated, including the Bill on Job Creation, the Bill on Taxation Provisions and Facilities for Strengthening the Economy, and the Bill on the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector. However, the Omnibus Law on Job Creation has become the most frequent bill. public spotlight. Apart from being deemed to have contained many controversial articles, the Labor Union deemed the Job Creation Bill only concerned with the interests of investors.

In substance, the Job Creation Bill is an Omnibus Law package whose impact is the most influential on the wider community, especially the millions of workers in Indonesia. This is what makes many labor unions desperately reject the Job Creation Bill.

More than 1,000 people consisting of groups of students and workers staged demonstrations and parades in Jakarta to reject the Job Creation Act. They demanded that the government cancel the Omnibus Law and issue a government regulation in lieu of UU aka perpu. Not only that, it turned out that students also participated in the demonstration. The Director General of PAUD-Dikdasmen of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jumeri, deeply regretted the involvement of students in the demonstration. According to him, the students did not know exactly what was being fought for in the demonstration.

1. We as students should, keep learning and studying.

As a student, the student's task is to study, we are not allowed to participate in demonstration activities because it is dangerous for ourselves and can damage the name of the school. It's will be better if we stay at home doing more useful activities, for example, developing our hobbies.

2. We must filter the information circulating on social media

In today's digital age, a lot of HOAX information is circulating on social media. Therefore, we as student's must be able to filter information correctly.ents related to the Labor Demonstration against "The Job Creation Bill"

Sabtu, 31 Oktober 2020

The Adventage of Having a Cat

Now where can you see lots of people keeping cats, from neighbors, brothers or close friends what else is this the season for a virus outbreak.

Cats are mammals where we can also meet them along the way from small to large ones. Cats are very sensitive to sound, their ears are like a satellite dish that rotates looking for signals, now that includes their expertise, but are you curious about the 4 benefits of keeping a cat.

1. Relieve stress

Well, in a study, cats can release ourselves from the stress and stress of life. The reason is, according to a study published in the journal AERA Open, just 10 minutes of stroking a cat can reduce stress hormones in significant amounts. Wow, what's more, when a pandemic like this has a cat, it can relieve stress.

2. get rid of loneliness

Now for those of you who are still single, this is perfect for you, why is it that cats can be your best friends or friends in this house that makes people not feel lonely.

Having a cat at home can handle loneliness very well. With its unique behavior, which is sometimes active and sometimes spoiled, it can make someone who feels lonely will be entertained by cat's behavior. By touching the cat, we will not feel alone and can restore the mood quickly.

3. savior

Well, not only dogs, cats can also be saviors, even though they are small, they are also brave like dogs, for example among them, such as a cat that saved a toddler who was about to fall down a ladder in China, then a cat in Montana that woke its owner when a gas pipe leaked, and a cat who saved a family from cobras in Mojokerto. And there are many more extraordinary things that cats do to save humans.

4. bring luck or sustenance

Now that cat can bring good luck and it is always believed in various countries such as Japan, they are sure that if there is a black cat it signifies good luck, if in China they always put a golden cat statue in their shop, a golden cat symbolizes luck for them.

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2020

Twibbon Sumpah Pemuda


Untuk memeriahkan hari sumpah pemuda kami punya twibbon yang kece loh!

Designed by : Natasha Nuraini

Yuk gunakan di sosial media mu dengan caption

"Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda, SMANTIS!
Saya (nama) bersemangat untuk menyebarkan semangat sumpah pemuda! yang berbahasa satu bahasa Indonesia, bertumpah darah satu tanah air Indonesia, berbangsa satu bangsa Indonesia."


Jangan Lupa ya Tag Instagram OSIS: @osissman13dpk

Silakan kalian >>>Download<<<

Cara Pemakaiannya SebagaI Berikut :
  • Download gambar di atas
  • Gunakan aplikasi edit foto di smartphone kalian. Contoh: PicsArt,NoCrop, Cymera, Photogrid, dll
  • Masukkan Foto Kalian Terlebih Dahulu Di Aplikasi Edit Foto
  • Lalu Tambahkan Twibbon Yang Telah Kalian Download,Gabungkan Keduanya
  • Selesai Deh
  • Kemudian di-upload di sosial media kalian (FB, Twitter, Line, dll) untuk mengapresiasi kegiatan Peringatan Hari Sumpah Pemuda tahun ini
  • Selamat Mencoba!

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2020

Hasil Seleksi Pengurus OSIS 2020/2021

Inilah nama - nama peserta yang lolos seleksi pengurus OSIS 2020/2021
Selamat! 🎉


Dan untuk yang belum lolos jangan berkecil hati ya, tetap semangat 💗

Selasa, 29 September 2020


Halo untuk Siswa/i SMAN 13 Depok Kelas X dan XI. Mau kasih informasi nih buat kalian tentang tahapan untuk jadi calon pengurus OSIS diperiode yang baru!! Yuk baca dulu tahapnya :
 👉 Syarat & Kriteria 
1. Siswa/i SMAN 13 Depok Kelas X dan XI 
2. Memiliki kemauan dan kemampuan menjadi pengurus OSIS 
3. Dapat menanggung resiko menjadi pengurus OSIS 
4. Bertanggung jawab 

Yap caranya kalian mengisi formulir pendaftaran secara ONLINE.
 Link pendaftaran ada dibawah ini
💡 Jangan lupa melampirkan foto diri dan hasil rapot terakhir ya. 
(Dan gabungkan lampiran menjadi satu dalam file pdf)

( Pendaftaran akan ditutup pada 4 Oktober 2020 pukul 24.00 WIB )

Nah, setelah selesai dengan formulir. Kalian diwajibkan untuk membuat essay. 
Berikut ketentuannya : 

 Untuk kelas 10
✔Bertemakan “Menceritakan Tentang Diri Sendiri Dan Kemampuan Yang dimiliki"
✔Diketik di word minimal 1 halaman 

 Untuk kelas 11
✔Bertemakan “Kontribusiku Untuk Sekolah " 
✔Diketik di word minimal 1 halaman 

 💡 Format: Nama_kelas, menggunakan font TNR, font 14 bold (judul) , font 12 dan rata kanan kiri (isi).

Nah setelah kamu menyelesaikan semua persyaratan di atas jangan lupa ya untuk mengikuti Test Pengetahuan Umum ya

 ✍Test Pengetahuan Umum akan dilaksanakan pada : 
📆Hari/Tanggal : Selasa,6 Oktober 2020 
⏰Jam                : 13.30-16.00 

Tpu akan di laksanakan daring melalui google form

Gimana temen-temen sudah jelas tahap pendaftarannya??
For more information, DM IG : @OSISSMAN13DPK

Rabu, 23 September 2020

Social Interaction

 We are definitely no stranger to socializing or interacting with other people. In fact, it has become an inner need for humans. But now things are different.

     When the Covid-19 pandemic spreads, we are required to implement social distancing. And that is the most difficult thing for many people to implement. Because basically we as social beings need interaction. As alertness and distancing measures are increased, many people look for opportunities to socialize with their loved ones. It's not a crime, but is it how we protect those we love?

     We all need interaction but the most important thing right now is the lives of those we love. Do whatever you want while it doesn't hurt others. But the slightest thing you do right now will greatly affect the lives of millions of people in the world. So think realistically that all of these problems will be solved if we don't add to them.

     For now, stick to the rules of keeping the distance. Hold on to your inner satisfaction to interact. Don't we want things to return to normal ?. So let's have to work together.

     Interaction does not have to be physical contact. We can still interact via internet connection. We take the positive side, maybe because of this we can be smarter in terms of technology. Our reach can also be wider, and it only takes a short time to connect the network. It is very easy for us as millennials and will become a new science for people who rarely come into contact with technology. That way our inner satisfaction with interactions can still be fulfilled.

     Keep your distance. Take care of your health. Protect your family.

-By: SEKBID 9, OSIS SMAN 13 Depok

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2020

Fun Activities That Can be Done at Home During Physical Distancing

During the Covid 19 pandemic like this, people are limited to doing activities outside the home or physical distancing (or previously known as social distancing). Especially for areas in Indonesia that have implemented large-scale social restrictions (PSBB). As a result, we will spend more time at home until this pandemic ends. 

Some of us do work from home and school from home. These two things allow the spread of the corona virus not to spread widely. But it is not uncommon for us to feel bored at home all the time.

To get rid of that boredom, it is better to do fun and productive activities. Therefore, let's see what fun activities you can do at home during the current physical distancing.

1. Read a Favorite Book 

Try opening the bookshelf again that you may not have touched for a long time. There is nothing wrong with reading old books. Or have you bought a new book but haven't read it yet? Maybe now would be a good time to read it. Reading books can refresh your mind. You can read your favorite books such as novels, comics to self development books. If you have read a collection of books that you have or want to read other books, you can read and download e-books that are already on the internet such as the National Library. Eits, but the e-books must be legal ones, not pirated ones

2. Cooking

Now you can do whatever you want because you have a lot of time at home. Try new recipes you find on the internet and tutorials on Youtube or Tiktok. You can be creative with recipes from other countries or those that are currently popular or for those of you who are not good at cooking, there is nothing wrong with trying easy recipes first. One of the recipes you can do is Dalgona Coffee which has gone viral on social media. Who knows, after trying some easy recipes, you will love and become good at cooking. After the pandemic is over, maybe you could join the Indonesian Master Chef 😆

3. Online Shopping 

Because now you are physical distancing, online shopping is a solution to meet your daily needs. Don't worry, now it's complete, no less like at the mall. Various platforms from social media, online shop to e-commerce are your place to shop. Even many conventional traders in the market have started marketing their products through social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp. By shopping online, you are helping their business too. Don't forget to check the promos and discounts that are available every day so you can shop economically. Eits, don't let you go crazy and hedonistic shopping online because of the tempting promos.

4. Watching Series 

Often miss the latest series that has just been released? It must be annoying if you don't follow the series. Now you can watch your favorite series marathon without getting hindered. You can start a Netflix series or continue a delayed Korean drama. You can also watch old movies that are your favorites. But, don't forget to do the job too.

5. Doing Delayed Hobbies or New Activities

At this moment, you can resume your delayed hobby. For example, hobbies are drawing, painting, making crafts, knitting, editing videos and others. With this you can hone your skills again. Oh yeah, you can also experiment with new activities that you've never tried. For example, just for fun joining the TikTok video which is currently popular. Who knows, by trying this activity you can find the talents that have been hidden so far.

6. Doing a Donation to the Other

In times of crisis like this, many people feel the impact of Covid 19. By setting aside money or providing assistance, you can ease their burden. There have been many platforms that have become intermediaries to channel donations to people affected by this pandemic, one of which is Let's do good with others to fight the corona virus. Hopefully, this Corona will end quickly.

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2020


Hello peeps!

Yuk meriahkan HUT RI tahun ini dengan mengikuti lomba baca puisi kali ini!.

Naskah puisi bisa kalian pilih salah satu diantara ketiga puisi dibawah ini ya, peeps!

Kami tunggu partisipasi kalian dan menangkan hadiah ratusan ribu rupiahnya! 👋😉

✀ ----------------------------------------------------------------

"Bambu Runcing"

Karya: Rayhandi

Di ujung bambu tajam menyikat

Mengoyak musuh hingga ampun

Di bilah tajam sakit mencekat

Siap siaga menelan musuh

Ujung bambu jadi saksi

Hitam rasa menyakit

Mengusir iblis dengan nyawa

Tanpa takut tanpa gentar

Rasa cinta tanah air

Menyatu di darah merah

Mengakar di tulang putih

Menguasai nafas

Mereka berjuang hingga raib

Bercerai dengan raga

Untuk bumi garuda

Untuk indonesia raya

Mereka mati dengan hormat

Memperjuangkan secerut kebebasan

Yang terenggut durjana

Untuk satu kemerdekaan.

"Krawang Bekasi"

Karya chairil anwar 

Kami yang kini terbaring antara Krawang-Bekasi

tidak bisa teriak..Merdeka..!!! dan angkat senjata lagi.

Tapi siapakah yang tidak lagi mendengar deru kami,

terbayang kami maju dan mendegap hati ?

Kami bicara padamu dalam hening di malam sepi

Jika dada rasa hampa dan jam dinding yang berdetak

Kami mati muda. Yang tinggal tulang diliputi debu.

Kenang, kenanglah kami.

Kami sudah coba apa yang kami bisa

Tapi kerja belum selesai, belum bisa memperhitungkan arti 4-5 ribu nyawa

Kami cuma tulang-tulang berserakan

Tapi adalah kepunyaanmu

Kaulah lagi yang tentukan nilai tulang-tulang berserakan

Atau jiwa kami melayang untuk kemerdekaan kemenangan dan harapan

atau tidak untuk apa-apa,

Kami tidak tahu, kami tidak lagi bisa berkata

Kaulah sekarang yang berkata

Kami bicara padamu dalam hening di malam sepi

Jika ada rasa hampa dan jam dinding yang berdetak

Kenang, kenanglah kami..

Teruskan, teruskan jiwa kami…

Menjaga Bung Karno..

menjaga Bung Hatta..

menjaga Bung Sjahrir…

Kami sekarang mayat

Berikan kami arti

Berjagalah terus di garis batas pernyataan dan impian

Kenang, kenanglah kami

yang tinggal tulang-tulang diliputi debu

Beribu kami terbaring antara Krawang-Bekasi….


karya: Chairil Antar 

Di masa pembangunan ini

Tuan hidup kembali

Dan bara kagum menjadi api

Di depan sekali tuan menanti

Tak gentar. Lawan banyaknya seratus kali.

Pedang di kanan, keris di kiri

Berselempang semangat yang tak bisa mati.


Ini barisan tak bergenderang-berpalu

Kepercayaan tanda menyerbu.

Sekali berarti

Sudah itu mati.


Bagimu negeri

Menyediakan api.

Punah di atas menghamba

Binasa di atas ditindas.

Sungguhpun dalam ajal baru tercapai

Jika hidup harus merasai.





Rabu, 12 Agustus 2020

Twibbon HUT RI ke- 75

Halo Smantis! Sekbid 8 OSIS SMAN 13 depok mau kasih informasi nih buat kalian. Twibbon untuk memeriahkan HUT RI yang ke- 75 sudah ada, loh!


   >> Download di sini!
Dengan Format Caption:

"Siapa Kita? Indonesia!
Saya (nama) mengucapkan Dirgahayu Republik Indonesia yang ke-75, serta siap untuk menyemarakkan kemerdekaan HUT RI di SMAN 13 Depok tahun ini dengan #tetapjagakesehatan dan #dirumahaja"


Jangan Lupa Ya Tag Instagram OSIS: @osissman13dpk peeps!

Cara Pemakaiannya SebagaI Berikut :
  • Download gambar di atas
  • Gunakan aplikasi edit foto di smartphone kalian. Contoh: PicsArt,NoCrop, Cymera, Photogrid, dll
  • Masukkan Foto Kalian Terlebih Dahulu Di Aplikasi Edit Foto
  • Lalu Tambahkan Twibbon Yang Telah Kalian Download,Gabungkan Keduanya
  • Selesai Deh
  • Kemudian di-upload di sosial media kalian (FB, Twitter, Line, dll) untuk mengapresiasi kegiatan Peringatan HUT RI yang ke-75 ini
  • Selamat Mencoba!

Selasa, 11 Agustus 2020

Happy 6th Anniversarry SMANTIS!


Happy 6th Anniversary SMANTIS! 🎉

Wah, ngga kerasa ya sekolah kita udah menginjak umur 6 tahun aja. Walaupun sekolah kita terhitung masih muda, tapi pasti kisah - kisah yang udah di lalui disini ada berjuta macamnya dong 😆💛.

Tapi sedihnya kita masih belum bisa merayakan nya di sekolah kita nih 😔. Karena yang seperti kita tahu, pandemi di Indonesia belum berakhir nih, jadi kita harus tetap #DiRumahAja terus selama pandemi ini.

Tapi! Jangan sedih dulu nih peeps. Karena kita tetap bisa merayakannya di rumah dengan cara menggunakan twibbon kece ini!

    >> Download di sini!

Dengan caption :

"Saya (nama dan kelas kamu) mengucapkan, HAPPY 6 th ANNIVERSARRY SMANTIS!
(Yuk ceritakan pengalaman kamu selama bersekolah disini!). Semoga sukses dan terus berprestasi ya SMANTIS!"


Dan jangan lupa tag account instagram @osissman13dpk ya!

"Yah min, cuman ini aja?"
Pastinya ngga dong peeps! kita juga ada penampilan - penampilan yang menarik lho!
"Wah apa aja tuh min?"
Eits, tetep stay tune dulu ya di intagram @Osissman13dpk ya!

Cara Pemakaiannya Sebagai Berikut :

  • Download gambar di atas
  • Gunakan aplikasi edit foto di smartphone kalian. Contoh: PicsArt, NoCrop, Cymera, Photogrid, dll
  • Masukkan Foto Kalian Terlebih Dahulu Di Aplikasi Edit Foto
  • Lalu Tambahkan Twibbon Yang Telah Kalian Download,Gabungkan Keduanya
  • Selesai Deh
  • Kemudian di-upload di sosial media kalian (FB, Twitter, Line, dll) untuk memeriahkan ulang tahun SMAN 13 Depok tahun ini!

Selamat ulang tahun SMAN 13 Depok!

Jumat, 31 Juli 2020

Adab Shalat Hari Raya

 1. Mandi pada Hari Id

Dari Nafi’, beliau mengatakan

أن عبد الله بن عمر كان يغتسل يوم الفطر قبل أن يغدو إلى المصلى

bahwa Ibnu Umar radliallahu ‘anhuma mandi pada hari Idul Fitri sebelum berangkat ke lapangan. (HR. Malik dan asy-Syafi’i dan sanadnya shahih)

Al-Faryabi menyebutkan bahwa Said bin al-Musayyib mengatakan:

سنة الفطر ثلاث : الـمَشْي إِلى الـمُصَلى ، و الأَكل قَبل الخُروج، والإِغتِسال

sunah ketika Idul Fitri ada tiga: berjalan menuju lapangan, makan sebelum keluar (menuju lapangan), dan mandi. (Ahkamul Idain karya al-faryabi dan sanadnya dishahihkan al-Albani)

Catatan: Dibolehkan untuk memulai mandi hari raya sebelum atau sesudah subuh. Ini adalah pendapat yang kuat dalam Madzhab Syafi’i dan pendapat yang dinukil dari imam Ahmad. Allahu a’lam.

2. Berhias dan Memakai Wewangian

Dari Ibnu Abbas, bahwa pada suatu saat di hari Jumat, Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda:

إِنَّ هَذَا يَومُ عِيدٍ جَعَلهُ الله لِلمُسلِمِينَ فمَن جاءَ إلى الـجُمعةِ فَليَغتَسِل وَإِن كانَ عِندَه طِيبٌ فَليَمسَّ مِنهُ وَعَلَيكُم بِالسِّواكِ

“Sesungguhnya hari ini adalah hari raya yang Allah jadikan untuk kaum muslimin. Barangsiapa yang hadir jumatan, hendaknya dia

mandi. Jika dia punya wewangian, hendaknya dia gunakan, dan kalian harus gosok gigi.” (HR. Ibn Majah dan dihasankan al-Albani)

3. Memakai Pakaian yang Paling Bagus

Dari Jabir bin Abdillah, beliau mengatakan:

كانت للنبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم- جُبّة يَلبسُها فِي العِيدَين ، وَ يَوم الـجُمعَة

“Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memiliki jubah yang beliau gunakan ketika hari raya dan hari Jumat.” (HR. Ibn Khuzaimah dan kitab shahihnya)

Dari Ibnu Umar, beliau mengatakan: Umar bin Khathab pernah mengambil jubah dari sutra yang dibeli di pasar. Kemudian dia datang kepada Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam: Ya Rasulullah, saya membeli ini, sehingga engkau bisa berhias dengannya ketika hari raya dan ketika menyambut tamu. Namun Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam menolaknya karena baju itu terbuat dari sutra. (HR. Bukhari, Muslim, dan an-Nasa’i)

Imam as-Sindi mengatakan: “…dari hadis disimpulkan bahwa berhias ketika hari raya merupakan kebiasaan yang mengakar di kalangan mereka (Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam dan para sahabat). Dan Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam tidak mengingkarinya, yang artinya kebiasaan itu tetap belaku… (Hasyiah as-Sindy ‘ala an-Nasa’i, 3:181)

4. Tidak Makan Sampai Pulang dari Shalat Idul Adha dengan Daging Kurban

Dari Buraidah, beliau berkata:

لاَ يَـخرجُ يَومَ الفِطرِ حَتَّى يَطعَمَ ولاَ يَطعَمُ يَومَ الأَضْحَى حَتَّى يُصلِّىَ

“Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam tidak berangkat menuju shalat Idul Fitri sampai beliau makan terlebih dahulu, dan ketika Idul Adha, beliau tidak makan sampai shalat dahulu. (HR. At Turmudzi, Ibn Majah, dan dishahihkan al-Albani)

5. Menuju lapangan sambil berjalan dengan penuh ketenangan dan ketundukan

Dari sa’d radliallahu ‘anhu,

أنَّ النَّبـىَّ -صلى الله عليه وسلم- كانَ يَـخْرج إلَى العِيد مَاشِيًا وَيَرجِعُ مَاشِيًا

Bahwa nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam keluar menuju lapangan dengan berjalan kaki dan beliau pulang juga dengan berjalan. (HR.Ibn majah dan dishahihkan al-Albani)


Jumat, 17 Juli 2020

Welcome to SMAN 13 Depok!

SMA Negeri 13 Depok is one of the public high schools in Depok, which is located on Jalan Pedurenan, Pasar Kec Cimanggis -Depok, West Java. Similar to senior high schools in Indonesia, the school education period at SMAN 13 Depok is achieved within three years of study, starting from class X to class XII.

Starting from the elementary schools of Curug I and Cisalak Pasar 3 in a merger, the merger was in Depok city Rpjm until 2016, that in two sub-districts in Depok, it was programmed to have a state senior high school, as the elementary schools of Curug I and Cisalak Pasar 3 were merged, the education office city and under the head of the depok city education office Mr. Henry Pansila Prabowo MSC. Launching of SMAN 13 Depok which is located at the Curug I elementary school, Jalan Pedurenan, Cisalak Pasar.

So in the 2014/2015 academic year PPDB started with two tracks, namely the poor student route and the regular route. Because the SMAN 13 Depok building was a former elementary school, so the facilities and infrastructure were still minimal and there were no human resources, the PPDB management was carried out at SMAN 4 Depok under the leadership of the principal of SMAN 4 Depok. On Friday, July 11, 2014, the personnel of SMAN 13 Depok were transferred by Mr. Henry Pansila Prabowo MSC as the head of the Depok city education office, as many as 13 civil servant teachers were assigned to SMAN 13 Depok. 

The number '13' seems to provide a historical record, where 13 civil servant teachers are assigned to SMAN 13 Depok. Hopefully the teachers of SMAN 13 Depok want to be different.

Furthermore, the establishment of SMAN 13 Depok in the holy month of Ramadan has made future blessings for the advancement of SMAN 13 Depok. On the first day of carrying out their duties, the 13 PNS teachers said they were able to work in TKS and RKAS which were packaged in IHT activities even though the fasting month of the personnel of SMAN 13 Depok was still enthusiastic, fighting spirit as a take-off asset looked different 

Come soon, join us as a family of SMAN 13 Depok. We are waiting for you here  

Minggu, 12 Juli 2020

Twibbon MPLS 2020

Hi Peeps!
Gimana nih kabarnya? tetep semangat kan menjalani hari walaupun di saat pandemi seperti ini? Nah, untuk menyambut MPLS tahun ini kami menyediakan twibbon untuk memeriahkan nya loh!

-->Download di sini
Yuk gunakan di akun sosial media kalian dan nyatakan bahwa pandemi seperti ini tidak mengurangi rasa semangat kalian, dengan caption :

Saya (Nama panjang) siap menjadi penerus generasi yang berintelektualitas, berkarakter, bertaqwa, mandiri, disiplin, jujur, dan bertanggung jawab di masa pandemi covid-19."


Dan untuk kalian para kakak tingkat bisa juga loh ikut memeriahkannya dengan menggunakan twibbon ini!

-->download di sini!

Dengan caption :

"Hi 7th Gen! Selamat datang di SMAN 13 Depok.
Saya (nama) menunggu prestasi kalian di sini! Terus bersemangat dan jangan lupa jaga kesehatan di saat seperti ini ya!"


Dan jangan lupa tag account instagram @osissman13dpk ya!

Cara Pemakaiannya Sebagai Berikut :

  • Download gambar di atas
  • Gunakan aplikasi edit foto di smartphone kalian. Contoh: PicsArt, NoCrop, Cymera, Photogrid, dll
  • Masukkan Foto Kalian Terlebih Dahulu Di Aplikasi Edit Foto
  • Lalu Tambahkan Twibbon Yang Telah Kalian Download,Gabungkan Keduanya
  • Selesai Deh
  • Kemudian di-upload di sosial media kalian (FB, Twitter, Line, dll) untuk memeriahkan kegiatan MPLS tahun ini!

Selamat Mencoba!

Minggu, 14 Juni 2020

Preparation for School

Starting a new school year in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, certainly shouldn't dampen the enthusiasm for learning. Even though school or teaching and learning activities are still limited online, preparations on the first day of school must still be done. Some local governments have decided to implement a policy of dismissing students and have started to apply learning methods with a bold system (online) or online. 

All sectors are feeling the impact of the corona. One of them is the world of education. Judging from the events that are happening, both students and parents who do not have cellphones to support learning activities are brave enough to be confused, so that the school is also looking for solutions to anticipate this. Some students who do not have cell phones do group learning, so they do learning activities together. The problem that occurs is not only in the instructional media system but the fact that quotas require a fairly high cost for students and teachers to facilitate learning needs. The quota purchased for internet needs has increased and many parents are not ready to increase their budget on the internet network. Brave learning cannot be separated from the internet network. The internet network connection is one of the disturbances that are part of the school for students whose homes are difficult to access the internet, especially students who live in rural, remote and disadvantaged areas. Even though there are those who use cellular networks, sometimes the network is unstable, because of the geographical location that is still far from the range of cellular signals.

Preparations that can be done to start learning online:

1. Adequate lighting

2. Away from noisy places 

3. A comfortable place 

4. Stationery 

As for the very important components of a bold (online) learning process, it needs to be improved and improved, namely: 

1. A stable internet network 

2. Then a capable gadget or computer 

3. Application with a user friendly platform 

4. Bold outreach that is efficient, effective, continuous, and integrative to all education stakeholders. 

Therefore, bold learning as an effective solution in learning at home to break the chain of Covid-19, physical distance is also a consideration for choosing this learning. Good cooperation between teachers, students, parents of students and the school / madrasah is a determining factor for more effective learning.

Hopefully this Covid-19 pandemic will pass quickly along with the new normal that has been imposed by the government. So that the learning process can be carried out as before with experienced teachers and students who are directly linked.

- Article by : Sekbid 9

Rabu, 20 Mei 2020

Memaknai Hari Kebangkitan Nasional

Hari Kebangkitan Nasional dimaknai sebagai kebangkitan nasionalisme bangsa Indonesia di masa lalu dalam melawan Belanda yang telah memporak-porandakan bangsa Indonesia. Bagian dari luapan semangat rakyat dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia.

Pada masa itu rakyat Indonesia berada pada puncak kegeramannya terhadap aksi-aksi kekerasan, penindasan dan pembodohan oleh sistem kolonialisme Belanda. Bagaimana tidak, selama 350 tahun lebih Indonesia dijajah dan diperbudak oleh bangsa lain. Semua hak-hak asasi direnggut, kesejahteraan rakyat semakin terpuruk dan perbudakan ada di berbagai daerah.

Kondisi bangsa Indonesia yang sengsara pada masa itu, membuat beberapa orang terpelajar ikut berpartisipasi membuat gebrakan baru dalam memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Mereka adalah kalangan “priyayi” atau para bangsawan yang berada di lingkungan keraton.
Kepedulian terhadap nasib rakyat Indonesia, memicu semangat mereka untuk melakukan perlawanan terhadap segala tindak kolonialisme. Sehingga pada Minggu 20 Mei 1908 bertempat di salah satu ruang belajar STOVIA, Soetomo menjelaskan gagasannya.

Harkitnas lahir dari semangat persatuan, kesatuan, nasionalisme, serta kesadaran untuk memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Masa itu ditandai dengan dua peristiwa, yakni berdirinya Boedi Oetomo pada 20 Mei 1908 dan terucapnya ikrar Sumpah Pemuda pada 28 Oktober 1928.
Asal usul kebangkitan nasional dimulai pada tahun 1912, saat berdirinya partai politik pertama, Indische Partij. “Tiga serangkai” Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Ki Hajar Dewantara, dan Dr. Douwes Dekker sebagai penggagasnya.
Selain itu pada peringatan Hari Kebangkitan Nasional 20 Mei 1959, Soekarno juga menyebut Boedi Oetomo sebagai alat perjuangan modern yang menjadi pemicu pergerakan kemerdekaan nasional.

"Oleh karena itu, tanggal 20 Mei 1908 adalah penting sekali dalam sejarah perjuangan kemerdekaan bangsa kita," ujar Sang Proklamator. Hingga akhinya, melalui Keputusan Presiden No. 316 Tahun 1959, tanggal 20 Mei resmi di tetapkan sebagai Hari Kebangkitan Nasional.

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2020

B.J Habibie's Inspirational Life Lessons

Who is not familiar with the figure of the young inspirational Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie or who is familiarly called B.J Habibie. With the spirit of his life B.J Habibie has made many people admired and inspired him. Here it is some life lessons from B.J Habibie that can inspire millennials.

1. Make use of his time only to study, work and worship. 
During his studies in Aachen, Germany, Habibie was known as a person who devoted his life to study. For him, learning really will be the key to being able to work someday, so that he can repay the efforts of his mother who has been working hard to send him to school. Although he was busy with his studies, this did not make Habibie forget his obligation to worship.

2. Explore many things at a young age
In launching his biography in 2015, Habibie told me that he used to sleep with a very short time since he was a child. The reason that made him choose not to spend most of his time sleeping, but rather he spent it to explore the things that made him interested and invited his curiosity, thus making him try to find answers to his questions.

3. His conviction is strong even though he often gets ridicule from his own friends.
His conviction to bring Indonesia to be able to compete in the world of technology, made him always hang his dreams on the Dirgantara Industrial development project that he initiated during his studies in Germany. He spent all his energy and mind solely to make the Indonesian government aware of the dependence on technology, especially for the Aerospace Industry at that time.

Although he did not have the support of his comrades in arms even to be laughed at, he never gave up to realize his ambitions. All that he did, solely to channel real contributions and participation in developing a country that he loved so much.

Kamis, 30 April 2020


Based on their genomic sequencing analysis, Andersen and his team concluded the possibility of origin of SARS-CoV-2 following one of two possible scenarios. 

The first scenario, namely the virus evolves in the current pathogenic state through natural selection in non-human hosts, then jumps to humans. Example: Corona virus in bats. Whereas in other scenarios, non-pathogenic versions of the virus jump from the animal host to humans, then evolve into pathogenic conditions in the human population. Example: Corona virus in pangolins.

The transmission of the disease can spread through small droplets from the nose or mouth when someone infected with this virus sneezes or coughs. So how we can know if we got this disease or not?. WHO (World Health Organization) added the most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. Some patients may experience aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are mild and occur gradually. Therefore let's prevent this disease in a way in between :

1. Wash your hands as often as possible, do it with 7 steps correctly (Why? Wash your hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rubs to kill viruses that may be in your hands).

2. Maintain a minimum social distance of 1-2 m (Why? When someone coughs or sneezes, they spray small drops of liquid from their nose or mouth that may contain viruses. If you get too close, you can breathe in water droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person has a cough).

3. Avoid touching the eyes and nose (Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. After being contaminated, hands can transfer viruses to your eyes, nose, or mouth. From there, viruses can enter your body and can make you sick). 

4. Use mask of your sick.

5. Eat nutritious foods.

6. Always exercise, to maintain stamina.

And what's we gonna do if we got that disease?
First, don't panic, Always think positive that you will recover 
Secondly, immediately contact the nearest medical personnel to get further action 
Third, follow the medical procedures applied
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 

Osissman13dpk (sekbid 9) X Pmrsman13dpk

Senin, 20 April 2020


Hello Peeps!
Tahu ngga sih sekarang kita lagi merayakan hari apa?, Yuup bener banget perayaan Hari Kartini.

Walaupun tahun ini kita ngga bisa merayakannya di luar, tapi kami punya twibbon yang lucu nan kece yang mungkin bisa mengobati rasa kangen kalian lho.

Dan tahun ini kami punya tema "KARIMAH", yaitu Kartinian Di Rumah.

(credit : Design by Sekbid Teknologi dan Informasi)

Dengan format caption : 
Saya (nama lengkap) akan mewujudkan cita - cita dan harapan serta terus bersinar di tengah kegelapan sebagai bukkti nyata dari semangat Kartini masa depan.
Semangat Kartini!
Semangat Indonesia!

Yuk kita pakai untuk memeriahkan Hari Kartini tahun ini sekaligus sambil mengobati rasa rindu kalian. Dan jangan lupa tag instagram account kami ya!.


Cara Pemakaiannya Sebagai Berikut :

  • Download gambar di atas
  • Gunakan aplikasi edit foto di smartphone kalian. Contoh: PicsArt,NoCrop, Cymera, Photogrid, dll
  • Masukkan Foto Kalian Terlebih Dahulu Di Aplikasi Edit Foto
  • Lalu Tambahkan Twibbon Yang Telah Kalian Download,Gabungkan Keduanya
  • Selesai Deh
  • Kemudian di-upload di sosial media kalian (FB, Twitter, Line, dll) untuk mengapresiasi kegiatan Peringatan Hari Kartini tahun ini!

Selamat Mencoba!

Senin, 30 Maret 2020

Bad Impact of Junk Food for Body Health

Junk Food is called instant food or fast food which has now developed rapidly in the competition of food companies in Indonesia. Fast food is considered by some to be more effective in terms of time and easy to find. Not only that, fast food also has a delicious taste plus an affordable price.

Fast food has long been a subject of controversy in our country due to the unfolding of some of the adverse effects it has. The bad impact is caused by the content of harmful substances in instant foods such as candles in instant noodles. Do not stop there, in fact in fast food contained preservatives and flavorings which are now called micin.

Numerous studies have proven that the frequency of consuming fast food does not have a direct impact on the body. However, fast food consumed will be buried in the body which later becomes a cause of deadly diseases such as cancer. Not only cancer, dangerous diseases also lurk for example stroke, appendicitis and kidney disease. So if you belong to someone who likes to consume fast food, reduce it and start to love your body and yourself.

Keep in mind that one of the ingredients in instant food is that it is difficult for the body to digest. The wax destroys the working principle of the body's digestive system so that food containing wax will be digested with a minimum of two days.

Minggu, 02 Februari 2020

Traffic Safety for Student

Safe riding is very necessary in traffic to maintain smooth transportation, besides safe driving aims to prevent and minimize the impact of accidents.
The community as a social and legal subject must obey and be disciplined with safe driving standards set by the government, by implementing safe driving, it will create smooth and safe traffic for all users. It is indeed difficult to implement driving safety, this is because of the awareness and discipline of the community
which is still lacking in driving safety and a lack of understanding about the benefits of driving.

Driving safety is not only about licensing documents such as driver's licenses or ownership documents such as vehicle registration, but also how to drive well and how to drive safely. With due regard to the completeness of the vehicle and the safety of the driver or passenger. Two things cannot be ignored because it is very vital and concerns the safety of the lives of road users.
Some accidents involve students riding their own motorbikes to school. This can be anxious because most of the students' age is under the age of the SIM owner's criteria.

Nowadays the school yard is crowded with hundreds of motorbikes brought by students. Even motorcycle parking has spilled out of the school grounds. The school was helpless to forbid students who brought motorbikes to school. Parents give motorbikes to their children and tolerate them driving on the grounds that using motorbikes can get to school faster, can save time, and is more economical. The conditions of public transportation that are less safe and comfortable also make students more happy to bring motorbikes to school than to ride public transportation.

Maybe on the other hand, there is a good side to using motorbikes to school, but there are more negative impacts. When referring to traffic laws, these students violate the law because they do not have a SIM, are not old enough, many use helmets, use noisy exhausts, reckless on the highway so that in addition to endangering themselves also endanger others. As a result, the number of traffic accidents involving students.

To minimize violations and traffic accidents among students, besides the need for assertiveness from the police, what is also important is the assertiveness of parents and schools to prohibit students from bringing motorbikes to school. The government also needs to provide safe and comfortable means of transportation for students. For example by providing a school bus. With the existence of traffic education for students, hopefully we can build a culture of orderly traffic awareness early on because one of the nation's characters can be seen from its behavior on the highway.


Sabtu, 11 Januari 2020

Get to know the figure of Nadiem Anwar Makarim

Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A. born in Singapore, July 4, 1984 he is the son of the couple Nono Anwar Makarim and Atika Algadri. His father is a prominent activist and lawyer. While his mother is a freelance writer.

Nadiem Makarim is an Indonesian businessman and also the founder of Gojek, a transportation company and online-based service provider that operates in Indonesia and a number of Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand. And currently he serves as Minister of Education and Culture of Indonesia in the Indonesian Cabinet of President Joko Widodo-K.H Mar'uf Amin's government, which was installed on October 23, 2019.

Little Nadiem underwent a process of basic education until high school moved from Jakarta to Singapore. After completing his high school education in Singapore, in 2002 he majored in International Relations at Brown University, United States. Nadiem briefly attended a student exchange at the London School of Economics. After obtaining a bachelor's degree in 2006, three years later he took up a post-graduate degree and earned a Master of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.

In 2016, Nadiem received the The Straits Times Asian of the Year award, and was the first Indonesian to receive the award since it was first established in 2012.
And also included in the 2018 version of Bloomberg 50. Bloomberg assessed that there is no other application that has changed lives in Indonesia as quickly and deeply as Gojek.
In May 2019, Nadiem became the youngest figure in Asia to receive the 24th Nikkei Asia Prize for Economic and Business Innovation. The award is given to individuals or organizations that contribute to the development of the Asian region and create a better future for the people of Asia. And there are many more awards for him.

However, now that he was appointed Minister of Education, Nadiem Makarim continues to focus on improving education in Indonesia.