A number of workers rallied in front of the Parliament complex, Jakarta. In their action they rejected the Omibus Law on the Job Creation Bill (RUU) because it was considered more beneficial to employers, and threatened to go on a national strike on 6-8 October 2020 or when the DPR plenary session discussed the Job Creation Bill. Previously, even though there were protests from labor unions in the country, the government and the DPR did not budge and continued efforts to ratify the bill included in the omnibus law package.
"Then what is the Omnibus Law which has become a controversy and is rejected by the workers?"
In terminology, Omnibus comes from Latin which means for everything. In a legal context, Omnibus Law is a law that can cover all or one law that regulates many things. In other words, Omnibus Law is a method or concept of making regulations that combines several rules with different regulatory substances into one rule under one legal umbrella.
The Job Creation Bill is only one part of the Omnibus Law. In the Omnibus Law, there are three bills that are ready to be promulgated, including the Bill on Job Creation, the Bill on Taxation Provisions and Facilities for Strengthening the Economy, and the Bill on the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector. However, the Omnibus Law on Job Creation has become the most frequent bill. public spotlight. Apart from being deemed to have contained many controversial articles, the Labor Union deemed the Job Creation Bill only concerned with the interests of investors.
In substance, the Job Creation Bill is an Omnibus Law package whose impact is the most influential on the wider community, especially the millions of workers in Indonesia. This is what makes many labor unions desperately reject the Job Creation Bill.
More than 1,000 people consisting of groups of students and workers staged demonstrations and parades in Jakarta to reject the Job Creation Act. They demanded that the government cancel the Omnibus Law and issue a government regulation in lieu of UU aka perpu. Not only that, it turned out that students also participated in the demonstration. The Director General of PAUD-Dikdasmen of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jumeri, deeply regretted the involvement of students in the demonstration. According to him, the students did not know exactly what was being fought for in the demonstration.
1. We as students should, keep learning and studying.
As a student, the student's task is to study, we are not allowed to participate in demonstration activities because it is dangerous for ourselves and can damage the name of the school. It's will be better if we stay at home doing more useful activities, for example, developing our hobbies.
2. We must filter the information circulating on social media
In today's digital age, a lot of HOAX information is circulating on social media. Therefore, we as student's must be able to filter information correctly.ents related to the Labor Demonstration against "The Job Creation Bill"
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