Minggu, 02 Februari 2020

Traffic Safety for Student

Safe riding is very necessary in traffic to maintain smooth transportation, besides safe driving aims to prevent and minimize the impact of accidents.
The community as a social and legal subject must obey and be disciplined with safe driving standards set by the government, by implementing safe driving, it will create smooth and safe traffic for all users. It is indeed difficult to implement driving safety, this is because of the awareness and discipline of the community
which is still lacking in driving safety and a lack of understanding about the benefits of driving.

Driving safety is not only about licensing documents such as driver's licenses or ownership documents such as vehicle registration, but also how to drive well and how to drive safely. With due regard to the completeness of the vehicle and the safety of the driver or passenger. Two things cannot be ignored because it is very vital and concerns the safety of the lives of road users.
Some accidents involve students riding their own motorbikes to school. This can be anxious because most of the students' age is under the age of the SIM owner's criteria.

Nowadays the school yard is crowded with hundreds of motorbikes brought by students. Even motorcycle parking has spilled out of the school grounds. The school was helpless to forbid students who brought motorbikes to school. Parents give motorbikes to their children and tolerate them driving on the grounds that using motorbikes can get to school faster, can save time, and is more economical. The conditions of public transportation that are less safe and comfortable also make students more happy to bring motorbikes to school than to ride public transportation.

Maybe on the other hand, there is a good side to using motorbikes to school, but there are more negative impacts. When referring to traffic laws, these students violate the law because they do not have a SIM, are not old enough, many use helmets, use noisy exhausts, reckless on the highway so that in addition to endangering themselves also endanger others. As a result, the number of traffic accidents involving students.

To minimize violations and traffic accidents among students, besides the need for assertiveness from the police, what is also important is the assertiveness of parents and schools to prohibit students from bringing motorbikes to school. The government also needs to provide safe and comfortable means of transportation for students. For example by providing a school bus. With the existence of traffic education for students, hopefully we can build a culture of orderly traffic awareness early on because one of the nation's characters can be seen from its behavior on the highway.